Get to Know Our New Premium Fuel, B5 Ultra Clean!


Last week we had the pleasure of announcing the launch of our new premium fuel, B5 Ultra Clean. This bio heating oil is made up of a blend of Ultra-Low Sulfur Heating Oil, Biodiesel, and UltraGuard™ Advanced Fuel Treatment.

With a new product, comes new questions and we want to make sure we answer them all:

Q: What is Ultra Low Sulfur Heating Oil (ULSHO)?
A: ULSHO is a heating oil fuel option that has a substantially lower sulfur content. In 2018, Massachusetts will mandate this heating oil.

Q: What is bio heating oil?
A. Bio heating oil is a blend of biodiesel and traditional heating oil. It is a great alternative that burns cleaner.

Q: How is Biofuel Made?
A. Biofuel is made from crushed soybeans. The oil from this pressing, goes through a chemical process called transesterification (glycerin is separated from the fats and vegetable oils of the feedstock). The remaining purified methyl esters are biodiesel.

Q: What are the benefits of Biofuel??
A. Biofuel has many benefits including:

  • Cleaner Burning Heating Oil
  • Doesn’t require modifications to current equipment
  • Better Indoor Air Quality & Environmentally Friendly.
  • Costs Saved!

Q: I still have regular heating oil in my tank – can you deliver bio heating oil anyway?
A. Yes! You do not have to have an empty tank. Bio heating oil is a blend of vegetable and conventional petroleum-based heating oil, it will mix with the oil already in your tank.

Q: Will I need to modify my system in order to use Biofuel?
A: Modifications are not needed to your system when using biofuel and in fact, the system will run cleaner. This fuel will also add more lubricity to the burner components.

Click here for more FAQS about BioHeat and Ultra-Low Sulfur Heating Oil!