What Is Automatic Oil or Propane Delivery?

Let’s face it: if you’re a Massachusetts homeowner, you’ve probably got a lot on your plate – especially during heating season, when school activities, work, and the holidays can be so demanding of your time and attention.

During these busy times, the last thing you want to be thinking about is managing your heating oil or propane deliveries – but you’ll have to if you want to avoid the ugly consequences of a fuel run-out.

Unless you choose automatic delivery from FSi, that is.

If you’re not familiar with automatic delivery, here are three key questions and answers to get you familiar with this convenient and FREE service; if you have more, just ask.

Three questions about automatic propane and heating oil delivery from FSi

  1. How does automatic delivery work?
    Our teams estimate the timing of your heating oil delivery or propane delivery based on your past usage and a “degree day” formula, which estimates how much heating fuel a home your size would use given current weather conditions*. When your propane or heating oil tank reaches about one-quarter full, we will schedule a delivery; you won’t need to call or even look at your fuel gauge.

    How certain are we that automatic delivery works? If for any reason you run out of fuel as an FSi automatic delivery customer, we will promptly fill your tank, restart your burner at no charge, and give you a $25 gift card toward dinner FREE.**

  2. What’s the difference between automatic delivery and Will Call?
    With Will Call delivery, you are responsible for tracking your fuel levels and scheduling your propane or heating oil delivery. You may also have to wait for a refueling in periods of high demand. With automatic delivery, you don’t have to manage your fuel or wait for a delivery; it will be scheduled based on your need.
  3. Why is there no additional charge for this service?
    Automatic delivery is offered at no additional cost because it benefits us, too. If we know when you need your propane or heating oil, we can schedule our delivery routes more efficiently – which means we can serve more customers and avoid having to divert crews to deal with emergency run-outs.

Let FSi take the hassle out of managing your home heating oil or propane supply with automatic delivery! Contact us today to learn more, or to make the switch from Will Call!

*One degree day is allotted for each degree below 65 that the average temperature reaches in your location on a given day. For example, if the average temperature is 35 degrees, 30 degree days are added to fuel your estimate).

**Restrictions may apply. Contact us for details.