How the MA Clean Heat Standard Will Impact Massachusetts Residents

Any Massachusetts residents who rely on heating oil and propane need to be aware of the new Clean Heat Standard that is being proposed in our state. This new climate policy has been designed to contribute to the Massachusetts Clean Energy & Climate Plan for 2025 and 2030, which is a program aimed to reduce carbon emissions in heating. The Clean Heat Standard is pushing for electrification in the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors, which may negatively impact MA residents who rely on stored fuels such as propane and heating oil for their home heating. Our energy experts at FSi Oil & Propane are here to tell you exactly what you need to know about the new Clean Heat Standard. Keep reading to learn what this policy means for you if it becomes law, and what you can do to help preserve your energy choice.

Downsides to the Clean Heat Standard

Unfortunately, enactment of the Clean Heat Standard will dramatically affect homeowners and business owners in Massachusetts who are currently using propane and heating oil, as well as renewable blends like Bioheat® fuel. As the program aims to encourage widespread electrification, the availability of and support for heating oil and other delivered fuels will decrease steadily in conjunction with the movement’s momentum.

Due to the Clean Heat Standard’s policy, fuel companies like FSi Oil & Propane, as well as other local Massachusetts fuel providers, would be charged significant fees that would go towards promoting electrification. This could mean that as a result, fuel customers would experience increased fuel costs, a loss of access to fuel in the quantities they need, and face pressure to replace their heating systems for electric heat pumps which can be incredibly expensive and unreliable.

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A Great Loss for Heating Oil & Propane Customers

A switch to total electrification would be a great loss for more than half a million homeowners in the state of Massachusetts. As a reminder, many people love the use of propane, heating oil, and Bioheat® blends for the following reasons:

  • Both oil and propane are delivered, stored-on-site fuel options that do not rely on the electrical grid, making them bot more reliable and more affordable than electric power
  • Fuels such as oil and propane are provided and supported by locally owned businesses like FSi Oil and Propane, who take customer satisfaction seriously
  • Propane and heating oil offer affordable, safe, reliable heat that you can trust
  • Your current Massachusetts heating equipment that runs on fuel oil or propane would need to be converted to electricity, costing you upwards of $10,000

As you can see, there are numerous benefits to heating oil and propane available to Massachusetts homeowners for fueling their home heating systems. All of these benefits would be lost if the Clean Heat Standard was imposed statewide.

Related Post: The True Cost of Electrification in New England: Electric Conversion Drawbacks

What Does This Mean for You?

Until the Clean Heat Standard is enacted, you can still purchase home heating fuel and run your HVAC equipment as you always have. If the Clean Heat Standard becomes state policy, things may change significantly. Know that whatever may occur, we will keep you informed and provide you with all the information you need to keep your Massachusetts property safe and warm as times change.

Alternatives to Electric Power for Western MA Home Heating

What the Clean Heat Standard fails to recognize is that only a fraction of electricity in the US is produced using renewable or carbon-neutral resources. Not to mention that the price of electricity continues to skyrocket. Luckily, heating oil, Bioheat® fuel, and propane are a realistic, affordable, and efficient way to reduce our carbon emissions in MA.

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Help Us Make a Change & Promote Eco-Friendly Alternatives to Widespread Electrification

If you feel passionate about retaining your freedom when it comes to your energy choice, you must act now. Contact your local state representatives to let them know you are opposed to the Clean Heat Standard. You can find a list of representatives by county here. Don’t wait, because the Clean Heat Standard is likely to become state policy soon if people don’t speak up about why they would prefer to keep their existing energy choice.