Top 4 Consequences of the MA Clean Heat Standard

Propane and heating oil users here in Massachusetts are facing potentially devastating consequences in the wake of the MA Clean Heat Standard, which has been proposed to take effect later this year. This new climate policy will greatly reduce Bioheat® fuel and propane consumers’ access to affordable home heating fuels and cause significant pressure to convert to electric heating. Despite the home heating fuels provided by FSi Oil & Propane being low-carbon and readily available to help achieve climate goals, they are being overlooked as viable solutions in the new Clean Heat Standard policy. Keep reading to learn about some of the most pressing consequences of the Clean Heat Standard for your MA home and preferred heating choice as well as learn actionable steps you can take right now to help prevent the CHS from progressing further without including low-carbon heating oil and propane within its scope.

How the New CHS Climate Policy Will Affect Bioheat® Fuel & Propane Users in MA

Consequence #1: Remove low carbon Propane & Bioheat® fuel from the Clean Energy Solution.

Since the proposed Clean Heat Standard does not include Bioheat® fuel or propane in its policy to reduce and limit carbon emissions in the state of Massachusetts, this will erase their viability as readily available options in the Clean Energy Solution. At FSi, we believe that low-carbon Bioheat® fuel and propane should be included in the CHS if it is to take effect this year.

Related Post: How Propane Contributes to Decarbonization Efforts 

Consequence #2: Tax your Propane, Bioheat® fuel, and natural gas bills, by a lot! But they aren’t calling it a tax.

The proposed policy in the MA Clean Heat Standard will cause local propane and Bioheat® fuel delivery companies like FSi Oil & Propane to pay a significant fee to continue to provide these fuels to our customers. Due to this, the prices for heating oil and propane will begin to rise, making it more difficult for heating fuel customers in Massachusetts to continue to access their preferred home heating fuels at affordable rates.

Consequence #3: Force you to replace your propane, oil, or gas furnace with a heat pump, costing you thousands of dollars.

Although the new Clean Heat Standard in Massachusetts is not outright demanding residents swap their propane or heating oil systems for electric heat pumps, the pressure to do so will increase. As fuel rates rise, homeowners may have no choice but to spend thousands upfront to convert their home heating systems to electric heat pumps to combat this mounting cost.

Consequence #4: Take away your right to choose how you heat your own home.

Whether you prefer to heat your home with propane, Bioheat® fuel, or electric power, at FSi, we believe that how you choose to heat your home should remain your choice. With so many low-carbon and eco-friendly options to choose from, it’s crucial to keep prices for alternative clean heating solutions affordable. Unfortunately, the CHS will make it increasingly difficult for homeowners to make their own decision about their preferred home heating.

Related Post: How the MA Clean Heat Standard Will Impact Massachusetts Residents 

How You Can Help Make a Difference

We believe that MassDEP and your state representatives should not be deciding the type of energy you use in your home, nor should they be removing fuel sources that contribute to decarbonization efforts from the Clean Energy Solution. Your voice needs to be heard! Use the form on this page to email your local state officials to let them know you are opposed to the Clean Heat Standard becoming a policy in Massachusetts without the inclusion of low carbon propane and Bioheat® fuel.