What You Need to Know About the B100 Burner

Twenty years ago, forward thinkers in the heating oil industry envisioned a day when advanced biofuels could be used in home heating on a wide scale. This would vastly reduce dependence on foreign oil and lower our country’s greenhouse gas emissions. Besides progressively moving toward the delivery of B100 Bioheat® fuel (100% biofuel), the industry reached another important milestone recently when the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) updated its standards to include burners that use B100 Bioheat® fuel.

Everything You Need To Know About The B100 Burner

What Is B100 Bioheat® Fuel?

Bioheat® fuel is a blend of renewable biodiesel and ultra-low sulfur heating fuel. Biodiesel is a recycled, renewable, and sustainable blend of agricultural by-products and used cooking oils. These products, which are automatically created during farming and food production, are mixed with low-sulfur fuel to create Bioheat® fuel.

Blends from B5 and up (B15, B20+) are available now. The number after “B” stands for the percentage of biodiesel blended with heating oil, so B5 would contain 5% biodiesel. Therefore, B100 would be 100% biodiesel. B100 is a completely renewable energy source that is cleaner-burning and biodegradable. Plus, it’s carbon neutral, meaning it can further help combat climate change and reduce GHG emissions.

The Creation of the B100 Burner

In response to UL updating its standards to include burners that use B100 Bioheat® fuel, the R.W. Beckett Corporation and Carlin Combustion quickly developed fully warrantied burners that are completely B100 compatible.

This will allow even more homeowners to take advantage of higher blends of Bioheat® fuel and pave the way for this innovative energy source as a realistic and affordable pathway to achieve a cleaner and healthier environment for everyone who owns an oil-heated home.

Related Post: Why Propane and Bioheat® Fuel Should Be a Part of a Diverse Energy Mix in New England

What Are the Benefits of the B100 Burner?

A B100 biofuel burner offers several unique benefits to Western MA and CT residents in comparison to other oil burners that use petroleum-based oil. Some quick highlights include:

  • Environmental benefits such as lower GHG emissions
  • Energy independence from foreign suppliers
  • Improved performance and efficiency of heating equipment
  • Health benefits and improved indoor air quality
  • Economic benefits such as cost-savings and job creation
  • Compatibility with existing heating equipment with minimal modifications

These B100 benefits make the B100 burner an extremely attractive option for oil heat users and homeowners who want to save money on their home heating costs while also reducing their carbon footprint.

Order Bioheat® Fuel Today

While we are on our way to B100 Bioheat® fuel, you can do your part to help make a difference in environmental impact by using Bioheat® fuel from FSi Oil and Propane! Order a fill for your tank today.