We didn’t think so!
Here’s what your MA state government plans to do:

Remove low carbon Propane & Bioheat® fuel from the Clean Energy solution.

Tax your Propane, Bioheat® fuel, natural gas, and electricity bills, by a lot! But they aren’t calling it a tax.

Make you pay more to heat your home the way you want to.

Their goal is to replace all propane, oil, or gas furnaces with a heat pump, costing you thousands of dollars.
What is the MA Clean Heat Standard?
If you live in FSi’s Massachusetts service area, you should be aware of the MA Clean Heat Standard. This is a climate policy from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) to meet the emissions limit for residential, commercial, and industrial heating. It is not a bill, meaning it does not need to pass through the legislative process.
Unless Massachusetts residents voice their opposition, MassDEP will implement the policy in the near future. Contact your state rep to tell them that a decision of this magnitude should not be decided by MassDEP alone.
Despite being low carbon and readily available to help achieve climate goals, Propane and Bioheat® fuel will be put at a major disadvantage in this policy, in the form of increased taxes for customers. We want you to be informed about what your MA government is going to do to your energy choice. Learn how you can get in touch with state representatives to voice your concerns about the MA Clean Heat Standard’s increased taxes and removal of energy choices.
Downsides to the MA Clean Heat Standard
Unfortunately, implementation of the Clean Heat Standard will dramatically affect homeowners and business owners in Massachusetts who are currently using propane, heating oil and its renewable blends like Bioheat® fuel. As the policy aims to encourage widespread electrification, availability of and support for Propane and Bioheat® fuel will decrease steadily as it aims to make you pay more to heat your home the way you want to. It will also “tax” your Propane, Bioheat® fuel, natural gas, and electricity bills, but they are not calling it a tax. In response, we are calling on all MA residents to click here to contact their government officials if you want to continue to have energy choice and lower energy bills, no matter what energy you are using.
A Great Loss for Propane and Bioheat® Fuel Customers & The Environment
A switch to total electrification would be a great loss for Massachusetts, as well as the environment. Many people love the use of Propane and Bioheat® fuel for the following reasons:
- Propane and Bioheat® fuel are delivered and stored on-site and do not rely on the electrical grid.
- Propane and Bioheat® fuel are provided by locally owned, family-run businesses like FSi whose jobs will be threatened.
- Propane and Bioheat® fuel offer affordable, reliable heat that you can trust.
- Your current heating equipment runs on Propane and Bioheat® fuel and would need to be converted to electricity, costing you tens of thousands of dollars.
- Propane and Bioheat® fuel are clean and renewable energies, which are helping you to decarbonize your home right now – more affordably and more quickly than if you were to convert your home to heat pumps and wait for decarbonization of the power grid.
All of these benefits would be lost when the Clean Heat Standard becomes policy statewide with the huge taxes that will come for Propane and Bioheat® fuel. But it’s not too late! Only you, the people of Massachusetts, can improve Propane and Bioheat® fuel’s part of the solution. Contact your government by filling out the form to keep your energy choice and avoid increased taxes.
Propane & Bioheat® Fuel Should be a Part of the Clean Energy Solution
At FSi Oil & Propane, we care greatly for the environment. Over the years, we have been proud to develop our Propane and Bioheat® fuel products, which have gotten cleaner burning with every year. We believe that Propane and Bioheat® fuel should be a part of the Clean Energy solution in Massachusetts. Consumers need real choices that can help reduce carbon with immediate impact, and Propane and Bioheat® fuel are available and ready to do just that.
We believe that MassDEP and your state representatives should not be deciding the type of energy you use in your home, adding hidden taxes, nor should they be removing fuel sources that contribute to decarbonization efforts. Your voice needs to be heard! You must act now. Use the form on this page to email your local state officials to let them know you are opposed to the Clean Heat Standard becoming policy in Massachusetts without the inclusion of low carbon Propane and Bioheat® fuel (and without more taxes).