Why Propane and Bioheat® Fuel Should Be a Part of a Diverse Energy Mix in New England

As the MA Clean Heat Standard inches closer to becoming a reality here in Western Massachusetts, residents of the Commonwealth are being faced with consequences and issues related to this radical climate policy. The energy grid in Massachusetts is not ready for the total electrification proposed in the current version of the CHS, yet people across the state are now staring down the barrel of being forced to replace their reliable propane, oil, or gas heating equipment with a heat pump that costs thousands of dollars. We’ve seen headlines recently about climate policy wreaking havoc on people’s lives in Massachusetts, such as Boston’s battle to ban fossil fuels1 and Cape Cod’s fight to stop their beaches from being torn up for wind power projects2. Keep reading this blog post to learn why we at FSi Oil and Propane believe propane and Bioheat® fuel should be part of a diverse energy mix in New England!

Related Post: What Are the Downsides of the MA Clean Heat Standard?

Propane & Bioheat® Fuel: A Diverse Energy Solution That’s Available Now

No single energy source is capable of solving every environmental challenge we face here in Massachusetts. Propane and Bioheat® fuel can both complement solar and wind systems to reduce emissions while providing reliability, especially during our frigid winters and sweltering summers. For example, did you know that a residential furnace powered by propane gas emits up to 50% less greenhouse gas than an electric furnace, or about 22% less GHG than an electric heat pump3? That’s just one of many statistics that back up the idea of propane and Bioheat® fuel playing a critical role in the reduction of carbon emissions.

Related Post: Is Renewable Propane Available Right Now?

Propane & Bioheat® Fuel Should Be Part of the Clean Energy Solution

Consumers need real choices that can help reduce carbon with an immediate impact on the environment and no consequences to local towns. Propane and Bioheat® fuel are available and ready to do just that. If you feel passionate about retaining your energy choice, as well as helping the environment and community, your voice must be heard! Act now to demand that propane and Bioheat® fuel be included in the MA Clean Heat Standard.

1Source: Boston Globe

2Source: Boston Globe

3Source: Propane.com