Indoor Winter Activities For Your Family

Indoor-ActivitiesWinter is coming and you know what that means… snow days! As the weather gets colder and the expectation of ice and snow increase, parents begin to fear how they will keep their children entertained. Have no fear, Fsi Oil and Propane is here!

We’ve compiled some of our favorite indoor winter activities for you to try with your little ones this winter, as well some of our favorites for the adults as well! Let us know your favorites!


Indoor Activities For Kids

1. Kitchen roll kaleidoscope: It’s one of those projects that also appeals to different age groups among children. It actually works pretty well and can be made from household scraps! Click here for the instructions!

2. Waterballon Bath: Super fun.. and cute! Place some bath tablets in a couple balloons and fill some others with food coloring! Click here for more!

3. Turn your little monster… into a monster! All you need is some cardboard, art supplies, and a belt! Click here for the rest! 

4. Make marshmallow and toothpick sculptures! Super fun and easy to clean up! It’s a fun activity for the kids, that could also serve as an educational playdate. Learn more here!

5. Make cookies with stamps! Baking cookies is one of the best ways to pass the time with your kids. Have you ever thought of using stamps to embroider them?



Indoor Activities For Adults

1. Organize your own film festival! A great opportunity to take that list of movies you’ve been wanting to watch and just binge! Click here for more!

2. Be Artists! Being creative together is a great way to bond even more. Find something that you both like to do, whether it’s painting, organizing your photo albums, or learning how to play an instrument. More options here!

3. Have an indoor picnic! Warm up the fire with some food, adult beverages, and each other! It’s great way to make a traditional indoor dinner more romantic! More options here!

4.  Make something! Rainy or snowy days are great ways to take those DIY projects you’ve been waiting to do! Get creative and make something with your hands! For more, click here!

5. Pick up that book you’ve haven’t had a chance to read! Become a Book Worm! Many books only take two to three hours to finish and a day stuck indoors is a perfect time to catch up! Click here for more!


We hope you’ve enjoyed the list! Tell us what activities you’ve found to work the best!