Why Propane & Bioheat® Fuel Should Be Part of the MA Clean Heat Standard

By now, you most likely have already heard of the proposed Clean Heat Standard here in Massachusetts as well as its potential ill effects for Bioheat® fuel and propane consumers. Low-carbon heating fuels are currently being excluded from proposed policy, but we aim to help do everything we can to help add eco-friendly propane and Bioheat® fuel to this new climate policy before it takes effect later this year. At FSi Oil and Propane, we proudly supply our customers with energy-efficient and environmentally conscious heating fuel options. We would like to help our customers keep their right to heat their homes with their preferred energy source as well as help them make sure that their access to affordable heating fuels is not diminished due to this new climate policy. Keep reading to learn the top reasons why both propane and Bioheat® fuel should be a part of the new MA Clean Heat Standard as well as what you can do to help add these fuels to this policy.

Propane & Bioheat® Fuel are Great Alternative Fuels to Help Lower Emissions Now

At FSi Oil & Propane, we care greatly for the environment. Over the years, we have been proud to develop our propane and Bioheat® fuel products, which have gotten cleaner with every year. We believe that propane and Bioheat® fuel should be a part of the Clean Energy solution in Massachusetts. Consumers need real choices that can help reduce carbon with immediate impact, and propane and Bioheat® fuel are available and ready to do just that. By adding these heating fuels to the CHS, homeowners in Massachusetts would be free to continue to use their fuel of choice, keep their home heating costs affordable, and not be pressured to spend thousands upfront to convert their systems to electric heat pumps.

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Preventing Widespread Electrification with Low-Carbon Heating Fuels

One of the main goals of the Massachusetts Clean Heat Standard is to promote total electrification of heating systems across the state in an effort to lower carbon emissions. However, a switch to widespread electrification would be a great loss for Massachusetts, as well as the environment. Many people love the use of propane and Bioheat® fuel for the following reasons:

  • Propane and Bioheat® fuel are delivered and stored on-site and do not rely on the electrical grid.
  • Propane and Bioheat® fuel are provided by locally owned, family-run businesses like FSi whose jobs will be threatened.
  • Propane and Bioheat® fuel offer affordable, reliable heat that you can trust.
  • Your current heating equipment runs on propane and Bioheat® fuel and would need to be converted to electricity, costing you tens of thousands of dollars.
  • Propane and Bioheat® fuel are clean and renewable energies, which are helping you to decarbonize your home right now – more affordably and more quickly than if you were to convert your home to heat pumps and wait for decarbonization of the power grid.

All these benefits would be lost when the Clean Heat Standard becomes policy statewide without propane and Bioheat® fuel. But it’s not too late! Only you, the people of Massachusetts, can get propane and Bioheat® fuel included as part of the solution. Contact your government by filling out the form to keep your energy choice and avoid increased taxes.

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Timeliness in Achieving Our Climate Goals Towards Decarbonization

The Clean Heat Standard in Massachusetts is heavily pushing for widespread electrification as the solution to decarbonization efforts in our state. However, it is important to note that as of right now, only a fraction of electricity production in the United States is made using renewable or carbon-neutral resources. This means that although electric power is making progress toward decarbonization, this will still take a significant amount of time to achieve. Luckily, low-carbon Bioheat® fuel and propane are readily available solutions that can help lower carbon emissions now for much more affordable costs. For these reasons, we believe that adding these home heating fuels to the CHS will help to achieve decarbonization goals even faster than waiting for widespread electrification to take effect across the state.

Help Us Make a Change & Promote Eco-Friendly Alternatives to Widespread Electrification

Don’t let the politicians in the state tell you how to heat your home. If you feel passionate about retaining your freedom when it comes to your energy choice, you must act now. Contact your local state representatives to let them know you are opposed to the Clean Heat Standard. Use the form on this page to email your local state officials to let them know you are opposed to the Clean Heat Standard becoming a policy in Massachusetts without the inclusion of low-carbon propane and Bioheat® fuel. You can also find a list of representatives by county here. Don’t wait, because the Clean Heat Standard is likely to become state policy soon if people don’t speak up about why they would prefer to keep their existing energy choice.