How Propane Contributes to Decarbonization Efforts

With new climate policy taking effect, many residents and business owners here in Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut are considering potential ways to become more eco-friendly, reduce our carbon footprint, and think ahead towards the future with our energy solutions. FSi Oil & Propane is proud to supply our customers with reliable, eco-conscious, and renewable fuel options that they can feel good about using today. One such fuel that’s gaining global attention is propane gas. Keep reading this blog to learn about how propane gas is contributing to decarbonization efforts now.

Propane is a Clean Solution to Our Energy Needs

According to the Propane Education and Research Council, propane gas is a clean energy source that can help to reduce our carbon emissions immediately. As stated on “Propane is an approved clean fuel listed in the 1990 Clean Air Act. Substituting propane for other fuels such as gasoline and fuel oil is an economical and viable step toward cleaner air. Using propane reduces the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and air pollutants like carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide,” [1]. The applications for propane gas are rapidly expanding and now this fuel has the ability to power so much more than your standard grill or home heater. Propane can also be used for agricultural equipment, fleet vehicles like school buses, forklifts, and much more!

Related Post: How Propane Autogas Powers School Buses 

How Propane is Working to Lower Carbon Emissions Now

In an article from C3 News, the online climate magazine interviewed Tucker Perkins, the President and CEO of the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC) on propane’s potential for decarbonization today. In this interview, Perkins discussed the applications of propane gas, innovation in the propane industry, and PERC’s global efforts to expand the use of propane as well as influence a change in the perception of propane gas [2].

Related Post: Why is Propane Considered a “Green” Fuel Source?

Long Term Energy Storage is Possible with Propane Tanks & Cylinders

One of the key talking points in the discussion of decarbonization is the implementation of batteries. For instance, many feel it would be beneficial to be able to store electrical energy in the form of a battery on their property to keep their homes running if they were to lose power. However, batteries like this that currently exist tend to not be able to power a home for very long and are not as reliable as we need them to be as a viable clean energy solution.

What many fail to understand is that propane gas already functions as stored energy on your property that can last far longer and be operated safely. A propane-powered home might have propane cooking appliances as well as a propane dryer, water heater, and furnace meaning that this home could function sufficiently and stay safe in the event of a power outage. There are also standby propane generators that can power your whole home and electrical appliances just by being hooked up to your residential propane tank. Perkins illustrates the safety and durability of propane tank energy storage by mentioning BBQ grill tanks. Although some may use a whole four-gallon tank each month, others might use this amount in a decade, and still the gas remains safely stored for a long duration of time.

Related Post: Propane Vs. Natural Gas: Which is Better for Your Home?

PERC’s Efforts for Global Change

Although we at FSi Oil & Propane are happy to supply propane gas that is produced domestically here in the United States, propane’s decarbonization efforts have global applications that are far-reaching and beneficial for communities all over the world. PERC has taken a role in increasing the use of propane across the world, including introducing propane cooktops in Africa to prevent premature deaths associated with indoor air pollution.

Additionally, the Propane Education and Research Council is committed to educating the public about propane gas as well as the benefits surrounding use of the fuel environmentally, economically, and for improving efficiency. It is PERC’s goal to help the public change its perception about propane from a simple, affordable gas for outdoor grilling to a viable solution for decarbonization and energy needs for residents, business owners, schools, city transportation, farms, and more!

A Fuel for the Future: Changing the Way We View Propane

In C3’s interview, Perkins helps explain what needs to happen for propane to become acknowledged as a solution for climate change and reducing carbon emissions. As Perkins states, “I think our biggest challenge today is to just be viewed as relevant in this conversation as we think about what our energy needs to look like… I think propane has always been if you would, this niche player. It powers your grill. It powers my home. We’ve always had these niche applications but now as we think about the future, propane could arguably be one of the more perfect tools as we think about decarbonizing, as we think about human health, planet health, and frankly, as we think about justice and equity and who pays for those solutions,” [2].

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with Propane from FSi

FSi Oil & Propane provides renewable, sustainable, propane delivery to our neighbors and friends in the Greater Springfield, MA area. We pride ourselves on treating all of our customers with the same level of care, safety, and respect. In addition to our fuel delivery services, we also offer HVAC service and expert installations, solutions for water treatment, SmartPay Payment Programs and HVAC Service Plans. Please get in contact with us today to learn more about how you can reduce your carbon footprint with one of our fuels or click here to become a customer today!


[1.] Propane Education & Research Council, “What Is Propane Gas?,” 2023.

[2.] C3 Solutions, Jeff Luse. “Can Propane Play a Role in Decarbonization Efforts? One Industry Leader Thinks So,” 2022.