Is Renewable Propane Available Right Now?

Are you a resident of our Massachusetts service area that uses propane gas to power your heating equipment and other appliances around your home? Do you care as deeply for the environment as FSi Oil & Propane does? Then you should be excited about renewable propane, coming soon to the Commonwealth! Keep reading this blog post to learn more about renewable propane, its top benefits, and why we can’t wait to start delivering it to your home.

Related Post: How Propane Contributes to Decarbonization Efforts

What Is Renewable Propane?

Renewable propane is an alternative fuel made from feedstocks such as natural fats, vegetable oils, and various types of grease, like the biodiesel component of Bioheat® fuel. It works the exact same way as conventional propane and can be used in your existing propane heating equipment or appliances with no expensive conversions. This means that renewable propane is better for the environment, while providing you with the same safe and highly efficient power you’ve come to know and love.

What Are the Benefits of Renewable Propane?

There are many benefits that come with choosing renewable propane to heat your home and power your appliances in Massachusetts. These include:

  • Reduction of municipal solid waste: Since renewable propane is made from feedstocks that would otherwise be discarded, production of renewable propane helps to decrease landfill pollution. This may significantly minimize methane emissions, helping to protect the atmosphere and local water sources.
  • Financial support for local farmers: Another benefit of renewable propane is support for local farmers, who often struggle to compete with factory farms as property taxes increase. Selling their biowaste means they can gain a second form of income, which allows them some breathing room when it comes to paying their bills.
  • Decreased carbon emissions: Renewable propane repurposes materials that would otherwise be thrown away and has a significantly smaller carbon footprint than conventional propane. This combined with a reduction of greenhouse gas output from landfills means that renewable propane is a great choice to help protect our environment.
  • Supporting a circular economy: Repurposing used agricultural and cooking materials into renewable propane is a regenerative manufacturing process, which will continue to stimulate the American economy.
  • Protecting human health & well-being: Renewable propane creates zero particulate matter, helping to preserve our atmosphere and reducing the amount of pollution in the air we breathe. This could potentially help reduce our risk of developing lung cancer and other respiratory illnesses that are associated with high-pollution environments.

Related Post: Why Propane & Bioheat® Fuel Should Be Part of the MA Clean Heat Standard

Want to Be First in Line for Renewable Propane? Become an FSi Oil & Propane Customer!

The exciting prospect of renewable propane in Massachusetts is just beyond the horizon, and we at FSi can’t wait to deliver this cleaner, greener fuel option. If you’re interested in being at the forefront of the renewable propane movement, we highly encourage you to become an FSi Oil & Propane customer today so that you don’t miss out on the latest news and updates regarding renewable propane. Already an FSi customer? Make sure to follow us on social media and keep an eye out for news about renewable propane!