Should You Repair or Replace Your Toilet? Know What To Do When

toilet-663707_960_720There’s no sound more dreadful than a toilet that’s constantly malfunctioning. Everyone else may just hear running water, but all you hear is the sound of your hard-earned money being flushed away. Sure, it makes sense to repair when a few simple tweaks can solve the problem. But these repairs and maintenance fees can add up if things don’t seem to get any better. So how do you know whether to make the investment in a new toilet or not?


Replace it when:


You’re fixing it too much

If you are constantly having to fix or replace different parts in your toilet, such as the flush handle, fill valve, or flapper, you may be wasting money trying to rebuild your old fixture. Weigh the costs of the different repairs you’ve had to make, and think about whether investing in a brand new toilet could save you more money in the long run. Sure, fixing that handle might be easy now. But how soon until the next thing breaks?


You’re having the same recurring problem

If you find yourself plunging or unclogging your toilet on a regular basis, it may be time to invest in a newer, more powerful model. Older toilets often have weaker flushes, and may even require you to flush more than once to get everything down. This not only uses more water, it wears down your plumbing and costs you more than you think.


There’s a crack in the porcelain

If there is a crack in the porcelain of your toilet, it is suggested to replace it immediately. Cracks may be small and hard to notice, but can eventually lead to your toilet breaking completely and flooding your home. Not only will you have to replace your toilet at this point, but you could end up replacing your floors and ceilings depending on the damage done.


Your water bill is skyrocketing

Older toilets do not run or use water as efficiently as newer models. If you find that your utility bills are constantly rising, your vintage toilet may be the culprit. More modern or “low-flush” toilets use less water per flush, which is not only beneficial to the environment but also to your wallet.


There’s an object lodged in the drain that you or your plumber can’t reach

In a household of small children, the reality is that some things are going to get flushed down the toilet that aren’t supposed to be. Small toys, combs, toothbrushes, and other knick-knacks tend to find their way down the drain and sometimes they cannot be retrieved. If you or a plumbing professional cannot complete this rescue mission, it is inevitable that you will have to replace the toilet before you encounter some serious blockage or flooding in your bathroom.


Repair it when:


The toilet is always running

When you hear your toilet running, there’s usually a quick fix that you can do yourself or a

plumbing professional can handle without expensive parts or labor fees. A running toilet is often the result of an open flush-valve or something small within the tank. Take a look inside and evaluate the damage because it may not be as bad as you think/


The toilet doesn’t flush all the way

A situation in which your toilet won’t flush completely usually means something is off in the tank.

It may be the float ball, flush-valve, or the chain inside. Sometimes minor adjustments can solve

this problem and a new toilet is not necessary. However, it is crucial to be careful when probing around in the tank. If at any point you don’t feel comfortable adjusting the parts inside, it is best to call a professional rather than make the situation worse.


The toilet is clogged

When your toilet is clogged, it means there is an obstruction in the drain pipe and nothing can get

past it. Typically, plunging the toilet will solve this problem. Dishwashing liquid and hot water may also help break up the block. If the clog is serious, a plumber will be able to work on your drain and assist you in clearing the situation.


The tank takes too long to fill

If you notice that the toilet bowl takes too long to fill, there may be an issue with the shut-off valve. This problem can most likely be solved by taking a look around the tank and checking the fill line. The problem may be that this needs to be replaced, and it should be a one-time repair.


The toilet tank is leaking water

Water pooling around the base of your toilet may be the result of loose tank bolts or the feed line.

Feel around for leaks and schedule a consultation to make sure this is just a simple repair. More often than not it is, and the bolts and washers will just need to be tightened, but it is better to safe than sorry!


A good rule of thumb is to always call a professional when it comes to plumbing repairs and possible replacements. When considering investing in a new toilet, always weigh the costs of the potential repairs your existing toilet requires and evaluate whether the newer model is going to save you money in the long run. But whether it’s a repair or replacement, Fsi Oil and Propane is here to make sure your business is taken care of!

