Shoveling Tips


Snow Removal Tips: How to Stay Safe

It’s the part of winter we hate the most. While it seemed we almost escaped winter, another storm has been cast upon us, and you know what that means; MORE SHOVELING! But did you know that there are 1000’s of injuries and 100’s of deaths every year from people removing snow? So as you throw on those snow pants and tighten up your boots, remember these tips while you’re out clearing the snow away to stay safe!

According to the National security council there are several things to be aware of when using a shovel and removing snow.

  • Do not shovel after eating or while smoking
  • Take it slow and stretch out before you begin
  • Shovel only fresh, powdery snow; it’s lighter
  • Push the snow rather than lifting it
  • If you do lift it, use a small shovel or only partially fill the shovel
  • Lift with your legs, not your back
  • Do not work to the point of exhaustion

There is also an increased risk for people over the age of 40. Removing snow can be exhausting work, and the surrounding cold air can affect blood flow. This can lead to increased risk of heart conditions or heart attack, so be aware of your body!


Snow Blowers

While snow blowers can help make snow removal much easier than shoveling, they can also be very dangerous. Always remember that if you snow blower jams, TURN IT OFF before trying to unjam it. Always refuel when the engine is off as well.

Carbon Monoxide can also be a silent killer. Be careful if you have a snowblower running in a concealed space.


For Utility Trucks
When you are removing snow, make sure you always make a path to your fill line incase there needs to be a delivery or a check on your fuel. Also make sure there is enough room for a delivery truck in your driveway.

If you need help with your fuel this winter or need a delivery, find us on our website or call us at 413-532-3500. Stay warm and stay safe!

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