Top Environmental Achievements that FSi is Celebrating on Earth Day

This month FSi Oil and Propane is thrilled to be celebrating Earth Day. Each year, we like to take a step back to evaluate how far we’ve come as a fuel provider and energy company in achieving our ever-expanding environmental goals and set new ones for the future. As always, thanks to our customers’ support, we can continually provide the Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut areas with eco-friendly fuels and services. Keep reading to learn about the top environmental achievements we’re celebrating this Earth Day.

FSi Cares about the Environment

Creating an eco-friendlier future for us all starts with acting right now! Here’s some of the steps we’ve taken to care for our environment and help lower carbon emissions:

1. Our customers will get priority access to renewable propane

The propane industry is already making incredible strides to becoming a carbon-neutral fuel. Right now, the production of propane gas produces 52% LESS carbon emissions than grid-generated electricity. What’s even more exciting is that 100% renewable propane is coming soon – and FSi Oil and Propane customers will be the first in line to receive it!

Related Post: Is Renewable Propane Available Right Now?

2. We proudly provide eco-friendly Bioheat® fuel to our community

At FSi Oil and Propane, we’re big fans of Bioheat® fuel created with renewable biodiesel. Made from recycled materials and agricultural by-products, this revolutionary heating fuel is making a huge impact in the energy industry by lowering carbon emissions today. By providing our CT & MA customers with Bioheat® fuel delivery right to their homes, we are proud to be taking part in decreasing the amount of emissions in our community and keeping this environmentally friendly fuel widely accessible for home heating oil users. Request a delivery here now.

3. Lowering emissions by powering our fleet with renewable diesel

To better serve our customers and our community, we’ve decided to take our commitment to clean energy a step further. FSi Oil and Propane not only wants to deliver eco-friendly, quality fuels to your home, but to use them to help us get there. By using renewable diesel to power our very own delivery fleets, we’re actively lowering our carbon emissions into the atmosphere, helping our systems to run more efficiently, and taking advantage of this excellent alternative to petroleum diesel for our engines.

Related Post: Top Benefits of Using Renewable Diesel for Your Fleet

Join Us in Helping to Make a Global Impact on Energy

Take the first step in helping us to create a greener future by simply getting your propane gas or Bioheat® fuel delivery from our dedicated team at FSi Oil and Propane. We care deeply about our impact on the environment and are working around the clock to help provide sustainable, affordable energy solutions to our customers here in the Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut region. If you’re not yet an FSi customer, sign up here today. We look forward to you joining us in our mission to provide clean energy!