Top Options When You Need a New Heating System

Is your Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut oil- or kerosene-fired heating system old enough to get a driver’s license? Have you needed multiple service calls recently? If your answer to either or both of those questions is YES, then you need to upgrade your heating system with the pros here at FSi Oil and Propane! Our HVAC technicians have seen it all when it comes to heating systems and can perform a propane heating system conversion, install a Bioheat® fuel heating system, or help you select an electric heat pump that’s right for your home’s size and budget. Want to learn more about your options for replacing your old heating equipment? Keep reading this blog post!

Related Post: Why Propane Is the Environmentally Friendly Energy for Everyone

Explore Your Options for a New Heating System

If you have an older heating system that uses oil or kerosene as a heat source, you’re going to need new heating equipment sooner rather than later. At FSi, our business is making you comfortable, and we know that all the options on the market these days for home heating can make it difficult to choose the equipment that’s right for your home. Here’s a breakdown of the top options:


  • More affordable than kerosene
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Produces fewer emissions
  • Heats your home efficiently
  • Powers your appliances
  • Budget plans available
  • Pays for itself in two years or less
  • Financing opportunities through FSi
  • Up to $2,300 in rebates for MA
  • Rebates also available for CT

Bioheat® Fuel

  • More affordable than kerosene
  • Lower carbon than traditional oil
  • Budget plans available
  • Financing opportunities through FSi
  • Up to $800 in rebates for MA
  • Rebates also available for CT

Electric Heat Pumps

  • More affordable than kerosene
  • Produces fewer emissions
  • No need to store fuel on property
  • Financing opportunities through FSi
  • Up to $1,250 in rebates for MA
  • Rebates also available for CT

Boiler vs Furnace: What’s the Difference?

Once you make your fuel selection, you’re going to face another decision: what type of equipment do you want to install? Our expert HVAC technicians will be happy to go over all the details of your equipment selection with you during your estimate, but it’s not a bad idea to know a little bit about heating systems ahead of time. To put it simply, the main difference between a boiler and a furnace is that a boiler uses hot water or steam from hot water to heat your home, while a furnace uses warm air. Both are excellent options to heat your home, and we proudly install and maintain the best heating equipment brands on the market. That means no matter which type of equipment you choose, you can rest easy knowing your home comfort is in good hands.

Related Post: Top Ways You Can Save with a Heating Service Plan

Ready to Replace Your Heating System? Contact the Pros at FSi Oil and Propane!

At FSi Oil and Propane, we offer expert delivery of propane and Bioheat® fuel to our customers in Massachusetts and Connecticut, along with heating installations, water treatment options, and service plans. Our team of service technicians is well-versed in the ins and outs of home comfort, and they can’t wait to visit your home and provide a FREE no-obligation heating system installation estimate. Reach out to us now to schedule your appointment!