Using Propane for Whole-House Standby Generators

When it comes to being a homeowner in the Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut area, you have a lot of decisions to make daily. Which room should you convert into a guest bedroom? Raised or in-ground garden beds? How many boxes of tile will you need to install a new kitchen backsplash? All these choices are important, but none is more critical than deciding to install a propane standby home generator. In this blog post, the energy experts at FSi Oil and Propane will show you all the reasons a standby home generator is an important part of your home’s infrastructure, as well as the many ways installing one can bring you peace of mind. Let’s get started!

What Is a Standby Home Generator?

A standby home generator is, in essence, a backup electrical system for your home. When you experience a utility outage, an automatic transfer switch senses the power loss and starts your generator, then transfers your home’s electrical load to the generator, which begins supplying power to the circuits. At FSi, we proudly provide expert installation of state-of-the-art propane-powered standby generators made by the industry’s leading manufacturers. These generators are designed to deliver lasting performance and can be powered using propane gas from your home’s propane storage tank.

Our Top 4 Reasons You Need a Standby Home Generator in MA & CT

1. Convenience During Power Outages

The convenience of standby home generators is unmatched. With an automatic standby generator, you’ll get all these benefits without having to think about setting up your generator each time. Just make sure it has enough fuel and is serviced once a year, and you’ll be able to enjoy:

  • Automatic backup power during outages
  • Connection to your existing propane gas or natural gas supply
  • Maintained at zero cost to you until generator turns on

Related Post: Top Reasons to Use Propane to Power Your Backup Generator in MA & CT

2. Increase in Home Value & Savings on Insurance

Did you know installing a standby home generator can increase your property value? Many homebuyers these days are looking for the added security and convenience that comes with automatic standby power. Plus, having a generator lowers your risk for outage-related claims. You may even save some money on your premiums each month!

3. Safety & Comfort During Emergencies

Forget about checking the weather for winter storms or hurricanes and stressing about power outages. After all, with a standby home generator, you’ll have automatic standby power delivered directly to your home! You can choose which appliances, lights, and outlets will be powered by your standby propane generator. We recommend the following ones for total comfort:

  • Heating or cooling equipment power
  • Power to lights, power, and communication methods
  • Plumbing and refrigerator power

Related Post: How Propane Prepares Your Home Standby Generator for Unpredictable Weather

4. Stay Working, Learning, or Relaxing at Home

When you rely on a propane standby home generator from FSi, you can rest easy knowing that you’ll be able to continue working on the computer, studying for an important test, or relaxing with a video game or movie no matter what the weather’s like outside. Keep yourself and your family entertained while staying comfortable in your own space!

Get a Propane Standby Generator Installation from the Pros at FSi Today

Don’t wait any longer to protect your home with a standby generator powered by your propane storage tank. Get a free estimate on an installation today or contact our team to learn more. Not yet an FSi customer? Register online here!